
Tuesday, December 5, 2006

4 Key Questions

"Missoula - you either get it or you don't." That's what our realtor told us when we first met her, and I think she was on to something.

Missoula is a very special place - we get that much already. But we also have an awful lot to learn about the specifics, what's happening, when, where, etc. As we settle into this community, our greatest desire is to understand Missoula on it's own terms - what makes it special, and where does it still need work. That means we need to ask a lot of questions and try hard to listen well. And that's where we need your help.

Over the coming months, it's our goal to meet with as many people as possible - people outside the church, people who are invested in the community, those who really "get Missoula." And what we'd like from you is not your money, not your commitment, nothing like that. Nope! All we want to know is how you'd answer 4 Key Questions...
  1. What is it that you LOVE about Missoula? - What makes Missoula such a beautiful place? What makes it special? What makes you want to live here? What sets it apart from all the other cities out there? (basically, tell us what you think makes Missoula the greatest place in the last best place) :-)

  2. What is it that you DISLIKE about Missoula? - What are the downsides to Missoula? Where does it come up short? Need improvement? (basically, we want to understand the dark side of Missoula, if there is one - what are the needs? the parts that aren't so good? Every city has stuff that is broken, and we believe we should care about those things to too...)

  3. What are the hopes and dreams of Missoula? What are its fears and concerns? - I realize this one's a little harder, and if you don't feel like you can speak for the community as a whole, just give us your perspective. What we're really looking for here is trajectory - where is Missoula going? what does Missoula hope to become? and what potential pitfalls could waylay it on that journey?

  4. What kind of church does Missoula need? - Finally, from your perspective, what would it look like for a church to really love the city, to love its people well? What kind of church could best serve Missoula for the next 20 years? This is where you get to really tell us what you think about the church. And you can even rant if you'd like - we want to hear it all!
That's really the gist of what we're after. And we'd be more than happy to buy you a coffee or beer in exchange for your input. We're not going to proselytize or try to change you or anything like that.

Nope, we just want to listen. We'd like to hear from you simply because we really DO value your opinion, as people who know Missoula a whole lot better than we do. So please, do us a favor and help us see life from your perspective!

Hope to see you soon!