
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Night Before Christmas

"The Newborn" - Georges de la Tour (1593-1652)

This Christmas Eve, we'll be hosting our very first Midnight Service, beginning at 11:30 PM in our downtown space (147 W Broadway). This will be a small, intimate gathering to celebrate the coming of Christ through music, Scripture, and friends. Come participate in a tradition that is at least 1500 years old. Your kids will love it, and so will you. We hope you will join us this Christmas Eve!

Monday, December 8, 2008

All Souls Christmas Party

Come join us this Saturday, December 13 at 6 PM at Lake Missoula Cellars as we team up with Andrea Harsell & Friends to throw a killer Christmas party and raise money for Big Brothers & Big Sisters' "Families in Need" this holiday season.

For a suggested donation of $15 per person (more if you'd like!), you'll get to experience fabulous food, great local wine, amazing music, and a whole lot of fun. Plus, you'll be contributing to a great cause and making our community a better place too.

Interested? Here's how you can help:
  1. please buy a ticket as soon as possible (at Rockin Rudy's or Lake Missoula Cellars) or RSVP (and pay at the door) so we can know how much food to prepare. Even if you can't make it to the party, please consider purchasing tickets to help support the cause.

  2. please help us spread the word by inviting your friends and announcing the event on any mailing lists you are connected with.
We need your help to get the word out! If you like great food, great wine, great music, and a great time, you're going to love this event! Hope to see you this Saturday!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Vision Dinner

We've been here in Missoula for over two years now, and a LOT has happened in that time. We've asked a lot of questions, built a lot of friendships, and we've worked hard to create a community of faith where people are welcome even if they don't share our convictions. Slowly but surely it's beginning to happen. We think that's pretty cool.

Many of you have played a vital role in this process (thank you!). Some of you are still checking us out. And some of you might be wondering where to begin. We think that's cool too, and we look forward to helping you evaluate us.

Fundamentally, All Souls Missoula is a community in motion - we're on a mission, we're headed somewhere - and a big part of our job is to be upfront and honest about who we are and where we're going. After all, how else are you going to figure out whether we're a place worth investing in?

Vision dinners are a chance for us to share a great meal, talk about our vision, and answer any questions you might have. We hope to paint a clear picture of where we're going over the next six months, how we hope to serve this community, and how we hope to be a community that works for the good of the city.

If you are at all curious about what's going on here at All Souls - whether a little or a lot - you really won't want to miss this. Here's the skinny...
  • WHERE: The Cryder's place (2307 River Road).
  • WHEN: Sat, Dec 6, from 6:30 - 9 PM.
  • WHAT: A great evening of food and friends!
So there you have it. If you're interested in coming, please RSVP so we know how much food to prepare. If you have questions, call Christian (529-5568) or Ryan (529-2468).