
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

As Easter approaches, it seems Christians inevitably focus on why Jesus had to die. That's certainly important, but Scripture goes further - it insists Jesus had to rise, to live, too. And that raises an interesting question: Why? Why did Jesus HAVE to rise?

We'll wrestle with that question this Easter Sunday - what difference does the resurrection of Jesus actually make, anyway?

Whether you are a longtime follower of Jesus, or someone who hasn't given Jesus much thought in a long time, we'd love to have you join us for informal worship followed by a dinner with friends, this Sunday evening, @ 5 PM, at the Cryder's (2307 River Road).

Contact Christian (529-5568) or Ryan (529-2468) for details or directions.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Party for St. Patrick

It's official! The sun showed it's face in Missoula last week, which means its high time for a party. Come hoist a pint in honor of St. Patrick (and to toast our friend Janicka Umile for turning 40!). Great food & drink, with plenty of interesting characters and conversation (assuming you show up, of course). Here's the skinny:
WHEN: Saturday, March 15, from 7 PM until the leprechauns get sleepy
WHERE: @ the Cryder's place (2307 River Road - holler for directions)
WHAT TO BRING: a healthy appetite, a hearty thirst, and a friend or two!
So clear your calendar, RSVP el pronto (so we know how much food to prepare), and help us spread the word! If you haven't been to a Missoula Project party yet, you won't know what you're missing until you come!

Hope to see you soon!
Christian & Ryan