
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Judgment in the Kingdom (Matthew 25:31-46)

Today we look at one of the scariest passages in the New Testament. Jesus tells a parable about sheep and goats and how Jesus will one day judge people for how they live out the values of the Kingdom. Sheep are destined for heaven while goats are destined for hell. How do we make sense of this parable in light of our modern sensibilities about heaven and hell?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Want to experience a Christian tradition that is more than a thousand years old? Join us for a short, contemplative Ash Wednesday Service this Wednesday morning at 7 AM @ the Downtown Dance Collective (121 W Main). This is a great way to begin exploring the season of Lent. We will be done by 7:40 AM. Contact Christian (529-5568) or Ryan (529-2468) if you have questions.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Comfort and Challenge of the Kingdom (Matthew 20:1-16, 21:28-32)

Jesus tells several parables about the Kingdom of Heaven and in them we see how the message of the Kingdom is both incredibly comforting (for those who acknowledge their sin) and challenging (for those who don't see their need).

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Kingdom of Glory (Matthew 17:1-13)

Three of Jesus' disciples (Peter, James & John) get to go on an amazing field trip with Jesus - up a mountain where God himself shows up in a bright cloud and declares his pleasure with his Son. Moses and Elijah show up and Jesus is transfigured before their eyes! What's this story show us about the Kingdom?