
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Party For St. Patrick

Admit it: there's times you wish you were Irish. But you're not (and hey, you probably wouldn't like haggis anyway). So cheer up and make the best of it - come hoist a pint with us in honor of St. Patrick as we make fish & chips on the deck together.

It'll be a rousing good time - a roaring fire, great food & drink, and plenty of interesting friends (assuming you show up, of course). Who knows, there might even be some live music if folks bring their instruments. Sound interesting? Here's the skinny:
WHEN: Friday, March 13, from 7 PM until the leprechauns get sleepy
WHERE: @ the Cryder's place (2307 River Road - holler for directions)
WHAT TO BRING: a healthy appetite, a hearty thirst, and your favorite beer, wine, or scotch to share with friends. (If you like fine cigars around the fire, be sure to bring 'em with you.)
Please RSVP if you're coming (so we know how much food to prepare). Friends are welcome, and so are kids (but if you plan on staying late, you may want to get a sitter).

See you soon!
Christian & Ryan

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Time & Place

Hey folks! As many of you know, we've been forced to find a new place to worship.

This coming Sunday (Mar 8), All Souls Worship will happen @ 10 AM in Room 307 of the Missoula Children's Theater (200 N. Adams St.). It's on the 3rd floor, please enter from Main Street on the south side of the building.

We realize the new time and location will take some getting used to. That said, we also believe that God does these things for a reason, and we look forward to seeing how he grows us as a church during this time of transition. Please join us this Sunday as we make our move, and please help us spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested in attending (we don't have email addrs for everyone).

Also, remember to set your clocks ahead an hour on Saturday night as we spring forward for daylight savings. (Don't worry, we'll make coffee on Sunday morning!).

See you soon!