
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jesus on the Run (Matthew 2:1-21)

We wrap up the Christmas season by looking at the story of Jesus immediately following his birth – a nighttime get-a-way into Egypt to escape wicked King Herod. The baby in the manger is an amazing story, but we are quickly confronted with the reality that it doesn’t seem to change a whole lot about what is dark in the world. The powerful still oppress the weak and this baby is as frail and vulnerable as the rest of us.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Twas The Night Before Christmas

"The Newborn" - Georges de la Tour (1593-1652)

This Christmas Eve, we'll be hosting our annual Midnight Service, beginning at 11:30 PM in the Downtown Dance Collective (121 W. Main St). It's a small, intimate gathering to celebrate the coming of Christ through music, Scripture, and friends.

Come participate in a tradition that is at least 1500 years old. Your kids will love it, and so will you. We'd love to have you join us!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Finding Love in Christmas (John 3:14-21)

The them for this final week of advent is Love. Interestingly, the word “love” is never actually mentioned in any of the traditional Gospel Christmas stories. Hope, Peace, Joy, sure…but Love? It is everywhere implied, but always just below the surface. John alone speaks it plainly, “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16).

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Joy in the Darkness (Luke 2:1-20)

How do we find joy in our moments of darkness? Our culture offers us sentimentality, but the gospel points us to a joy that goes beyond our circumstances.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Virgin Birth? Inconceivable (Luke 1:26-45)

Was Jesus really born of a virgin? This week we wrestle with this highly debated Christian claim by taking a peek at the rest of the Jesus story if you decide to jettison this seemingly insignificant detail. So what’s your take on the virgin birth?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jesus and Beer

So why on earth is a church brewing a beer?!? After all, it seems so, well, unspiritual.
And isn't alcohol part of the problem here in Missoula? Won't you be causing people to stumble? What are you guys thinking?!?!"

These are good questions, and they deserve thoughtful answers. Let's see if we can shed some light on our reasoning...

1. First and foremost: Jesus. You see, we could ask him these same questions too. After all, Jesus made wine (and it was the good stuff). He was never afraid to engage his culture 'outside of church' - he goes to weddings, he loves parties, he hangs out with 'sinners.' And it made folks nervous in his day, too (especially religious ones).

It just seems so risky. Wouldn't it be safer simply to avoid it altogether?

Perhaps. Yet as Christ's followers, we need to be very slow to condemn or avoid what Jesus didn't, lest we take traditions of men and make them out to be commandments of God (cf. Mark 7:7). After all, that's precisely what most of us - Christians and non-Christians alike - hate about churches. So if Jesus didn't anathematize alcohol, neither should we.

2. This leads to a second point: brokenness. It's very easy to look at alcohol as the problem, to think that simply getting rid of it (or avoiding it) will fix things.

But Jesus views things differently - he insists that the root of sin lies in what's behind our external behavior; that it actually flows from the dark desires that lurk within our hearts (cf. Mark 7:15-23). In other words, for Jesus, there's a much bigger problem than what-we-do-with-alcohol - it's the why-we-do-it. It's about that hole in our heart, that we're trying to fill. It's about the pain in our lives, that we're trying to drown.

If we think we're solving those problems simply by saying, "Don't drink!" we're kidding ourselves. And we might actually be distracting others from the real issues. Mere avoidance never gets us to the heart of the problem. Listen to Martin Luther:
Do you suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying the object which is abused? Men can go wrong with wine and women. Shall we then prohibit and abolish women? The sun, the moon, and the stars have been worshiped. Shall we then pluck them out of the sky? 
He's not saying brokenness doesn't matter. He's saying we don't actually solve the real problem simply by banning things that broken people use and abuse. As a church, we need to be careful not to oversimplify brokenness.

3. The same is true for redemption. Jesus claims to be able to do something about our deepest cravings. Whether it's lust for sex or lust for drink, Jesus claims he can quench our thirsts and transform our desires. So while alcohol may be part of the problem, we think it can also be part of the solution.

Put simply, the church ought to be the place that most visibly manifests Gospel renovation.

As we embrace Christ and grow in our understanding of his gracious acceptance of us (even if we struggle with drink!), we should also start to be freed from fear of drink (what it might do to us), freed from fear of our reputations (what others might think of us if we drink), freed from our need to use drink (to drown our woes or be someone we are not).

The church ought to be the place that illustrates the greatest of liberty without lapsing into excess. A high calling to be sure. But should we settle for anything less?

4. And then there's integrity. Many of us enjoy a glass of beer or wine from time to time, and we think it's important that we are never afraid to be publicly who we are in private.

Here at All Souls, we see these things as gifts from God, to be enjoyed in community with gratitude and gratefulness. Why wouldn't we want to share that with our friends here in Missoula?

5. But what about the church?!? After all, we're supposed to be in the business of saving souls, not selling beer, right?

And that's true. (Actually, we'd prefer to say that God's the one who saves souls, not us, but for the sake of the argument, we'll go with it for now. The point is that the church of Christ is not really here to be in the business of "being in business." Selling stuff. Making money. We agree with that.)

That's why we're not trying to be a brewery - we'd rather partner with someone that's already in that line of work, and knows how to do it really well. Like Big Sky Brewing Co.

That's also why we're not trying to make money on this thing - the whole point is to generate revenue for someone else so they can use it to make this community better. Like Imagine Missoula.

You see, what we're really trying to do here is be about Jesus' business. And the very real question for any church (and for any Christian) is simply this: What IS Jesus' business? Is it just "saving souls"? Is he only interested in those who follow him? Or does he have a bigger agenda - like justice for the oppressed, mercy for the poor, putting the whole world right?

If Jesus calls his followers to get on board with his agenda - to be agents of change working for the shalom of our cities and the needs of our neighbors - then we think it makes an awful lot of sense to do this kind of thing.

After all, a non-profit like Imagine Missoula (and a beer like All Souls Ale!) make it possible for all sorts of people to get in on redemption - working to renew Missoula! - even if they don't share our convictions about Jesus. And we think that's a pretty cool proposition.

So we don't ask them to give money to our church - we simply invite them to enjoy a really great beer and help support a really great cause, all at the same time. And we think most people in our community will think that's a pretty good idea!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Scandalous Generosity (Matthew 20:1-16)

As we enter the Advent Season we’ll be taking a break from our series’ on drawing near to God to focus more intently on Advent. This week we took a look at the scandalous generosity of God and how we ought to respond to Him.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner

Hey, if you don't have plans for Thanksgiving (or if you know of someone who doesn't) - please consider joining us! We have (at least!) 3 families that are here in town and would love to have you share dinner with them:
  • Christian and Marilyn Cryder (529-5568)
  • Ryan and Rachel Sutherland (529-2468)
  • Kelly Hart (546-8339)
Holler if you'd like details! 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Intimacy of Scripture (1 John 1:1-4)

This fall we’ve been digging into the first of the “4 pillars of Christians Spirituality” – Scripture (based on Acts 2:42). This week we wrap up this important first pillar by seeing how Scripture is essential for those who want to experience intimacy with God.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

All Souls Ale

All Souls Ale isn't just a beer (well, ok, technically it IS - and a pretty darn good one, too!). But it's more than a beer - it's a way to make a difference. It's a means for ordinary people like us to help make Missoula better, regardless of your spiritual convictions (or lack thereof). Not just for a select few, but for everyone. All Souls. Here's how it happened...

Back in the Spring of 2010, we approached the fine folks at Big Sky Brewing Company and said, "Hey, we'd like you to brew an amazing beer, and donate all the profits to a new non-profit we've helped launch, called Imagine Missoula." They were intrigued ("We've never had a church ask us to brew a beer before!"). But they also wanted to know what the money would be going to.

Imagine Missoula is a curious little non-profit. We're not trying to change the world (at least not all at once) - we're simply trying to foster community, to make Missoula even better than it already is. And how do we aim to do that? By helping people help each other, in the areas of mercy, beauty, and the arts.

Put simply, there are many people in Missoula whose community is 'thin' - single moms, at risk kids, the elderly. These people work hard just to survive; if something goes wrong, they often lack the friends or resources to get by.

Imagine Missoula exists to help create a community of friends that is there to help - to fix a window, to build a fence, to paint a house, to plant a garden. To be a friend to people who need a friend. To make a real difference right here in Missoula by meeting real needs and helping people live more beautifully. Because we believe that fosters deep community. Missoula gets better. We all win.

The folks at Big Sky Brewing agreed, and early this Fall, All Souls Ale was born! It's a limited edition, hand-bottled Imperial Saison that is one of the best holiday seasonals we've ever tasted. It goes on sale at the Big Sky taproom the day after Thanksgiving (Nov 26), and all the profits will go to help Imagine Missoula meet real needs right here in Missoula. We think it's pretty special, and we're pretty sure you'll agree!

So how can you get in on the action? Ah, glad you asked!

Want to learn more about All Souls Ale?
  1. Visit us on facebook, become a fan, and start telling your friends! Please help us spread the word!
  2. You might want to reserve yours ahead of time (even though it doesn't go on sale until late November, we're accepting pre-orders, and 25% is already gone!)
  3. As if that's not enough, we're throwing a release party on Sunday, Dec 5 from 4-8 PM - let us know if you'd like to come!
    Want to learn more about Imagine Missoula?
    1. Check out (and please be patient as they're still finishing up their site). 
    2. You might want to follow along via facebook or sign up for the monthly newsletter.
    3. If you have questions, comments, or ideas, please don't hesitate to ask!
      Want to learn more about Big Sky Brewing?
      1. Check out their website, sign up for their monthly newsletter, or stop by the taproom and introduce yourself over a pint - you'll be glad you did!
        Want to learn more about All Souls Missoula?
        1. You're already on our website - please feel free to poke around and make yourself at home! (There's even a place where you can rant and rave if you want).
        2. If you have questions, please shoot us an email or give us a call - we're always happy to get together over coffee, lunch, or a beer!
          Got more questions or see something we didn't cover? Let us know and we'll happy to try and address it! Thanks so much for following along!


          Sunday, November 14, 2010

          The Story of Scripture (Genesis 22:1-13)

          Scripture itself claims that Christ somehow connects all of Scripture into one overarching story (see Luke 24:25-48). But what about the story of Abraham when he was asked to sacrifice his only son Isaac? What was God thinking on that one? And how are we supposed to relate to a God that would ask someone to sacrifice his own child? That’s the focus of our sermon this past Sunday.

          Sunday, November 7, 2010

          the Authority of Scripture (Colossians 3:16-4:1)

          “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42) is the classic text highlighting the 4 pillars of Christian Spirituality. This week we wrestle with why Scripture is so “damned” authoritative? Why does it always seem to tell us what to do? Why does our culture struggle with it?

          Sunday, October 24, 2010

          Is Christianity a Crutch? (Matt 5:1-16)

          This week we continue Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount with the section popularly known as the Beatitudes. What does Jesus mean when he says that those who live out these statements will be blessed? But, can anyone really live this out? And what do the Beatitudes have to do with Christian Spirituality?

          Saturday, October 23, 2010

          All Hallows Eve Party

          Join us this Friday, Oct 29 for our second annual All Hallows Eve Party! There will be good music, great food and drink, with plenty of friends old and new. Plus we're doing COSTUMES - so you've got an excuse for dressing up if you like! :-)

          This year we're all pitching in, potluck style. Please bring:
          a) your favorite Italian dish / side / dessert -OR-
          b) your favorite beer / wine / beverage of choice

          We'd welcome your carved pumpkins for out back on the deck; we'll planning on hanging out until at least midnight around the fire (so musical instruments, scotch, and cigars are all welcome too!). Kids are welcome. Friends are too. You can stay as late as you'd like!

          Please RSVP on facebook if you're planning on coming!

          Sunday, October 17, 2010

          Congregational Meeting (Mark 12:41-44)

          Today we incorporated a congregational meeting about our financial situation into our worship service. I was personally moved by the whole service and many who were there said it was worthwhile and helpful. If you are a regular at All Souls and missed it, you should definitely give this a listen. If you are still checking us out, it may give you a glimpse into who we want to be as a community.

          Monday, October 11, 2010

          The Purpose of Scripture (Psalm 27)

          So what's the purpose of Scripture? Not "what's it for?" but rather, "What does it offer us as our purpose for living?" The Christian premise is that you can't actually find a higher purpose anywhere, and that this is actually a sign that this really is God's Word. That's a big claim to be sure! Why not consider it with us...

          Thursday, October 7, 2010

          The Primordial Tale

          Ever wonder why "beauty" is one of our core values here at All Souls?

          My new friend Ian - who happens to be an author, musician, and church planter among Muslims in Malaysia, and who will be worshiping with us this Sunday, btw! - offers this answer by sharing his insights into "story" (beauty in the world of words and imagination):
          I grew up in Indonesia, came to America when I was 17, imported my childhood sweetheart, married her, did the whole Green Card thing and punched out four kids along the way. After 15 years in the States we headed back to Southeast Asia to dabble in Church Planting among Muslims.

          I never went to college or university, but I have written a number of historical novels, dicked around with song-writing and composition, picked up a certificate in audio engineering and worked (briefly) in the film world. I love theology and philosophy, cultures and sociology and everything else - but when I step back from the odds and ends of my life, I realize that all these interests derive from an obsession with story-telling.

          I know that in this Post-Whatever-it-is Age all narratives are supposed to be local, unique and special - but that’s a crock. In all the films, books, folk-tales, advertising and Faiths I’ve absorbed, I’ve only ever found two great, opposing narratives in play.

          In the first (and by far the most popular!), men must reach out to God by paying the debts for their sins. If God is pleased with their sacrifice, he responds with blessings. The sinner is punished and dies, while the innocent receives the life he deserves.

          In the second great narrative (and by far the most primordial!), God reaches out to men and pays the debt for their sins. Those whose debts are cleared then respond to God's sacrifice with gratitude and praise. In this narrative, the innocent one dies for another’s sin, while the one who deserves death receives life.

          I am the teller of the Primordial Tale. This is why so often in my stories the truly good, the truly innocent, are overborne by evil and die even for the sake of the killer: this is the most ancient story, the most terrible truth, a shadow of the Beauty so wonderful and terrible that if we spoke it plain the words themselves would tear our voice to heart cringes even as I write of such terror; I am able to do so only because I know that the horror of the sacrificed Innocent is so much greater, so much more irreconcilable than I could ever imagine in these feeble tales: if God had not written it first, and hinted in his own Story at its incredible breadth and depth, I would not even know how to dream of so terrible a salvation.

          It is the Primordial Story that drives me, that keeps me writing - but if I thought that this Story’s indwelling was only local, unique to me or to the ‘Faithful’, my heart would fail, my pen would fall still. No, it is because I believe in the universality of this Story that I am able to press on.

          The Primordial Tale is etched upon every human heart, whether Muslim, Buddhist Secular Humanist or what-have-you. It is written in such a way that the pattern, the rhythm, the inevitable denoument resonates within every spirit, for good or ill.

          I am convinced that an audience’s level of resonance is in direct relation to an artist’s faithfulness to the Primordial Story. No matter how symbolic the shadow, no matter how distanced the listener: if the Tale is truly told, if there is excellence intermixed with the flying edges of that terrible Beauty, there will be, there must be a response: horror for everyone -

          and then, later, joy for those who live, who did not deserve to.
          ~ Ian Chris
          Sound interesting? We invite you to join us for lunch at our place this Sunday afternoon after worship for an informal lunch with Ian and his family. If you are interested in thinking about how the arts are vital to how we speak of redemption in a secular culture, you won't want to miss it...

          Sunday, October 3, 2010

          Jesus and the Sermon (Matt 4:12-5:12)

          This fall we’re wrestling with how we draw near to God and what better way to do that than to look at Jesus’ most famous sermon on what it means to be a disciple. This is the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount series that Ryan will be preaching on over the next several months.

          Sunday, September 26, 2010

          The Taste of Scripture (1 Thess 2:1-15)

          For Christians, Scripture is a like a river that invites us to drink deeply. But anyone who does so will quickly find that it’s words are bittersweet – they simultaneously comfort and challenge us. This morning we continue our look at the “Apostle’s Teaching” referenced in Acts 2 and see what it does to those who drink from it.

          Sunday, September 19, 2010

          The Problem With Scripture (1 Thess 2:9-13)

          For Christians, the "Apostle's Teaching" is one of the primary ways we draw near to God. And that actually presents a huge problem for most of us: Where do we find their teaching? Scripture. And what do those pesky apostles claim? That THEIR words = God's Word. That's a tough pill for most of us to swallow. So that's what we'll be tackling today...

          Tuesday, September 14, 2010

          Groups Fostering Faith & Community (Fall 2010)

          Here at All Souls, we believe that church is more than just Sundays - we think it happens all week long as we gather together in community. This Fall, we're offering 3 specific groups that meet during the week:
          • Explorers 1 (Who is Jesus?) - Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM at the Cryder's (2307 River Rd). A safe place for people with questions to explore their beliefs and doubts and learn how the biblical Jesus answers life's biggest concerns. Our non-Christian friends tell us this is one of the coolest things we do. Contact Christian (529-5568) or click here for more details.
          • Gospel Community - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM at the Cryder's (2307 River Rd).
            If you're curious about the DNA of All Souls and the type of community we're seeking to create, this group is for you! One large community group, with lots of food, voices, ideas, and dialogue. Babysitting provided. Contact Christian (529-5568) or Ryan (529-2468) for details.
          • Jesus and Money - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM at the Kesler's (7935 Double Tree Lane). A group for people to learn what the Bible has to say about our money - not just how to manage it, but how to keep it from owning us. We'll explore God's purpose for money in our lives and see how Jesus claims to liberate us from our financial fears. Contact Joe (396-6372) or Nancy (829-6636).
          We also continue to meet at the Kettlehouse (both locations!) most Fridays around 5 PM. Nothing formal, just a chance to foster friendships and love our city, all over great beer! Please stop by and join us!

          Monday, September 13, 2010

          Explorers - Who Is This Jesus?

          Let's face it: most of us have questions about faith and spirituality. Often though, our friends don't really want to talk about these things, and churches seem to look down on people with doubts and struggles. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a safe place to figure out what you think about God, regardless of what you conclude?

          For nearly 3 years now, we've been creating discussion groups for people with questions to explore their beliefs and doubts together - people like you, people like us. Our non-Christian friends tell us this is one of the best things we do at All Souls. Why?

          Explorers is a place for unbelievers, and for the unbeliever in all of us. It's a place where you can be honest about what you think, and get honest answers about the Christian faith. It's a place where you can make up your own mind about historic Christianity, by looking at the sources, rather than settling for second hand opinions.

          Fundamentally, Explorers is all about working on our spirituality in community. It's a place where you can be yourself - share a meal, talk about your struggles, wrestle with your faith, as friends rather than foes. We meet once a week for about two hours. We share a meal. We laugh together. And we share our thoughts.

          This Fall we're looking at the life and teachings of Jesus.
          • In 7 weeks you'll study an entire book of the Bible - the Gospel of Mark.
          • You will learn a LOT about Jesus, Christianity, and your own spirituality.
          • You won't be asked to sing, pray, or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. 
          • You can come as you are; you can say as little or as much as you like. 
          • No one's going to nag you, try to convert you, or ask you for money.
          Our job is simply to help you figure out what you think about the Jesus of Scripture, and to introduce you to others who are in the same place you are.

          If this sounds interesting, please contact Christian (529-5568) ASAP for details.

          The group will begin in mid-September, and we need to find out a night that works best for everyone. Hope to see you soon!

          Habitat For Humanity

          A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped with last Saturday's work day - together, we're helping our friends the Hallands build their new Habitat for Humanity home. We've also been raising money to help purchase an elevator and make their new home fully wheelchair accessible for their son Maddy.

          If you'd like to know more about Habitat for Humanity, look what's going on this week...
          • Habitat 101 - Wed., Sept. 15th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Missoula Public Library Small Meeting Room
          • Site Tour - Thurs., Sept. 16th from 1:00 to 3:30 the Windsor Park construction site
          • Northside Walking Tour - Sat., Sept. 18th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. (Meet at the Antique Mall) led by Historian Allen Mathews
          • Volunteer Appreciation BBQ - Sun., Sept. 19th from 1 - 4 PM in Bonner Park (there will be a  raffle drawing for a new furnace at 3 PM)
          Call the Habitat office at 549-8210 for more information.

          Sunday, September 12, 2010

          Drawing Near To God (Acts 2:36-47)

          So what does Christian spirituality look like? And how do Christians actually draw near to God? The answer might surprise you! This message will lay out the roadmap for where we are headed as a church this Fall...

          Sunday, September 5, 2010

          When God is Far - part 2 (Matthew 22:34-40)

          How does our attitude towards the Great Commandment affect how we approach community? How does our struggle with community affect whether God is near or far? That’s how we concluded this short series.

          Sunday, August 29, 2010

          When God is Far (Ephesians 2:8-18)

          As we wind down the summer we want to spend 2 weeks wrestling with why we often experience God being far off.

          Sunday, August 22, 2010

          The God of Justice

          Larry Martin from International Justice Mission shared with us God’s heart for the poor and oppressed from Psalm 10.

          Sunday, August 15, 2010

          Who Is This Man? Part 3 - The True Vine

          This is the 4th and final week of our short series, Who Is This Man. We conclude by seeing how Jesus is the key to true change when he claims that he is the True Vine.

          Sunday, August 8, 2010

          Who Is This Man? Part 2 – The Bread of Life

          This is week 3 of our short series, Who Is This Man. Jesus uses another powerful metaphor in John 6 to make a big claim about himself. The Scripture reading did not make it onto the recording. The passage is John 6:1-15; 25-40 if you’d like to read it prior to listening.

          Sunday, August 1, 2010

          Loving Jesus With Extravagant Passion (Luke 7:36-50)

          Bryan Clark walks us through an amazing story of one woman’s crazy display of love for Jesus. Bryan is one of the pastors at our sister church in Bozeman.

          Sunday, July 25, 2010

          Who Is This Man? Part 1: The Good Shepherd

          This is week 2 of our short series, Who Is This Man. Jesus makes a big claim in John 10:1-21 that he is the good shepherd. What is he really saying about himself by using this metaphor?

          Sunday, July 18, 2010

          Who Is This Man? Intro: Mistaken Identity

          This Sunday we begin a short series titled, Who Is This Man? We'll be looking at some of the passages where Jesus makes several major claims about himself. Surprisingly, we begin in the Old Testament story where God shows up in a burning bush.

          Sunday, July 4, 2010

          Sunday, June 20, 2010

          3 Ways We Miss God (Part 2)

          Today we continue our short series in Acts on 3 Ways We Miss God... 

          Sunday, June 13, 2010

          3 Ways We Miss God (Part 1)

          We're starting a short series in Acts on 3 Ways We Miss God...

          Sunday, June 6, 2010

          The Dark Night of the Soul (Matthew 14:22-33)

          How do we deal with darkness and despair? What can we learn from Jesus? Today we hear from Jeff Hamling, one of the pastors of our sister church in Bozeman...

          Sunday, May 30, 2010

          How the Gospel Collides With Culture (Acts 17:16-34)

          What happens when the gospel collides with other cultures? That's what we consider today...

          Sunday, May 23, 2010

          Pancho & Villa's Mexican Fiesta

          Hey, it's that time of the year again! Good 'ol Pancho and his sidekick Villa will be helping us throw a killer Mexican Fiesta this Friday, May 28. Why not join us and help us ring in the summer!
          WHEN: Friday, May 28, from 6 PM - Midnight
          WHERE: @ the Cryder's place (2307 River Road)
          WHAT TO BRING: a hearty appetite and your favorite Mexican beverages
          Please RSVP if you're coming (so we know how much food to prepare). Friends are welcome, and so are kids (but if you plan on staying late, you may want to get a sitter).

          See you soon!
          Christian and Ryan

          Sunday, May 16, 2010

          Who's Your Master? (Acts 16:11-34)

          So what does Acts teach us about bondage? And how does this connect to us as we try and be a church for the city? Listen in and find out...

          Tuesday, May 11, 2010

          Baptism (Colossians 2:6-15)

          This Sunday we baptized a good friend. What's that all about, anyway? Why do we do it, and what does it mean? Today we try and pour content back into this practice...

          Wednesday, May 5, 2010

          Jesus on Tragedy and Suffering (Luke 13:1-9)

          If we're going to be a church for the city, we're going to have to know how to deal with tragedy and suffering. What would Jesus say? What does he want us to know, what does he want us to do, and what does he want it to produce in us...

          Tuesday, April 27, 2010

          Poison in the Church (Acts 15:1-21)

          So what does Acts teach us about HOW to be a church for the city? This morning we consider one of the things that is absolute poison - in a community, in a church, and especially in our own lives...

          Tuesday, April 20, 2010

          Clark Fork River Cleanup!

          Clark Fork Cleanup - 2010
          Hey folks! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped clean up the Clark Fork on Saturday (all 30+ of you!). We had a great turnout, and we collected a mountain of trash - TWO full truckloads! Wow.

          So thank you! We couldn't have done it without you, and boy did it make a difference. If you'd like to see for yourself, you can click here to view the photos...

          Sunday, April 18, 2010

          The Divisiveness of Christianity (Acts 14:8-23)

          We're heading back to Acts, looking at what it teaches us about how to be a church for the city. This time we'll consider why Christianity seems so divisive. We look at the response of culture, of religion, and of faith...

          Monday, April 12, 2010

          A Church for the City (Jeremiah 29:4-14)

          So why do we want to be a church for the city? Because God claims that's how we'll experience shalom. This passage makes some amazing claims - that we're all in exile, that God is for us, and that loving the city somehow helps bridge that gap...

          Tuesday, April 6, 2010

          Why Easter Matters (John 20:1-31)

          Wondering why Easter actually matters? This passage shows us why Jesus had to die, why he had to rise, and what he actually wants from us...

          Sunday, March 28, 2010

          A Messiah For the City (Hebrews 13:1-16)

          How Christ goes to the city, how he calls us to go to the city too, and how he bears the reproach of the city...

          Sunday, March 21, 2010

          The Future of the City (Revelation 21-22)

          How does Christianity see the future, and how does City fit into it? Today we look at what it is, how it comes to be, and how you can be a part of it.

          Monday, March 15, 2010

          A Party for St. Patrick

          Admit it: there's times you wish you were Irish. But, alas you're not. And neither are we. So why not cheer up and make the best of it together?

          Come hoist a pint in honor of St. Patrick as we make fish & chips on the deck together! You're bound to enjoy it, even if you're not Irish! Here's the skinny:
          WHEN: Friday, March 19, from 6 PM - Midnight
          WHERE: @ the Cryder's place (2307 River Road - look for the mailbox and turn down the alley - there's plenty of parking on River Road or Luella Lane)
          WHAT TO BRING: a healthy appetite, a hearty thirst, and your favorite beer / wine / scotch to share with friends. (If you like fine cigars around the fire, be sure to bring 'em with you.)
          Please RSVP if you're coming (so we know how much food to prepare). Friends are welcome, and so are kids (but if you plan on staying late, you may want to get a sitter).

          See you soon!
          Christian & Ryan

          Sunday, March 14, 2010

          What's Wrong with the City? (Genesis 4:1-17)

          Is this "City" thing really a big deal to God? If it's something he's trying to fix, how does he think it's broken? Join us we look at the story of Cain, the very first "city builder" in the Bible.

          Sunday, March 7, 2010

          Vision Luncheon (2010)

          This past Sunday we hosted our annual Vision Luncheon (audio | handout). If you're curious where we're headed in 2010 or wonder why on earth we'd be interested in starting our own non-profit, you'll definitely want to listen in. Feel free to holler if you have questions...

          That Great City (Jonah 3:10 - 4:11)

          Did you know that God actually claims to care about the city way more than we do? Join us as we consider his words to the prophet Jonah. This is the first installment in a series which will help lay out our understanding of "City" in God's plan for redemption.

          Sunday, February 28, 2010

          How Do You See the Gospel? (Acts 13:32-52)

          So where do you feel weary? And how does message of Jesus (with all it's focus on the church!) actually offer any hope? 3 things to help us better understand the Gospel...

          Monday, February 22, 2010

          How Do You See God? (Acts 13:1-3, 13-33)

          As a person, are you being changed for the better? Would you like to? Here are 5 things about God, that just might change you by changing the way you think about him...

          Sunday, February 14, 2010

          Be Like Christ? (Acts 11:19-30)

          Be like Jesus? Why you'd want to be, why you can't be, and how you can...

          Sunday, February 7, 2010

          God's Vision For Community (Acts 10:1-45)

          The kind of community we're trying to become, what kills it, and how Jesus makes a difference.

          Wednesday, January 13, 2010

          Explorers 4 - Counterfeit Gods

          A reading group for skeptics, doubters, and people with questions
          to consider how the biblical Jesus speaks to our cultural idolatries.

          Now more than ever, we need perspective. Many of us have placed our faith in success, money, true love, and the life we've always wanted. Yet the recent economic meltdown has cast a harsh new light on these pursuits. In a matter of months, fortunes, marriages, careers, and a secure retirement have disappeared for millions of people. No wonder so many of us feel lost, alone, disenchanted, and resentful.

          Why are we so attracted to money, sex, and power? What are the hopes and fears that captivate your heart? Why is it so hard to change? How does Jesus claim to offer us hope?

          Join us as we read and discuss Tim Keller's Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power and the Only Hope That Matters.

          It's an explorers group for thoughtful people to take a fresh look at how the Christian faith speaks to real life. It's a group for unbelievers, and for the unbeliever in all of us. Candid, honest, refreshing. You'll learn more about the Bible and Jesus. Any question is fair game.

          Sound interesting? Contact Christian (529-5568) for more information.


          Monday, January 11, 2010

          Sunday, January 3, 2010