
Monday, November 12, 2007

Vision Dinners

So we've been here in Missoula for over a year now, asking lots of questions, seeking to understand what makes this city great and where it still needs work. And many of you have been invaluable in this process - you've shared your insights, offered suggestions, and you've welcomed us into your lives.

Now we'd like to return the favor, by sharing what we've learned, where we're headed, and how you can be involved (whether you are a follower of Jesus or not).

In the last week of November, we'll be hosting a series of "Vision Dinners," and we'd like you to join us. There's no commitment on your end. This is simply our way of saying 'thanks' and letting you know where we see things going from here. It's a chance to share a great meal, hear about our vision, ask questions and offer feedback. It's our way of keeping you in the loop.

If you have any kind of interest in the Missoula Project - whether a lot or a little - you should really try to make one of these evenings. We hope to paint a clear picture of where we're going over the next year, how we hope to serve this community, and how we hope to be a community (where you don't have to share our convictions in order to be our friends).
  • WHERE: The Cryder's place (2307 River Rd).
  • WHEN: Wed, Nov 28; Thu, Nov 29; and Sun, Dec 2; from 6:30 - 9 PM.
  • WHAT: A great evening of food and friends.
So there you have it. If you're interested in coming, please let us know which nights work best for you. If you have questions, call Christian (529-5568) or Ryan (529-2468).

We look forward to seeing you soon!