
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Twas The Night Before Christmas

"The Newborn" - Georges de la Tour (1593-1652)

This Christmas Eve, we'll be hosting our annual Midnight Service, beginning at 11:30 PM in the lobby of the Missoula Children's Theatre (200 North Adams). It's a small, intimate gathering to celebrate the coming of Christ through music, Scripture, and friendship.

Come participate in a tradition that is at least 1500 years old. Your kids will love it, and so will you. We'd love to have you join us!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Finding Love in Christmas (Psalm 41)

How do I fall in love with Jesus this Christmas? That's the question to ask and hopefully these amazing truths from Psalm 41 will help you do it!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All Souls Christmas Party!

Hey friends, it's time for our yearly All Souls Christmas Party again! Please join us this Friday, Dec 16, from 6 PM - 11 PM at the Cryder's (2307 River Road - just look for the mailbox and turn down the alley; there's plenty of additional parking on River Road and Luella Lane).

If you've never been to one of our famous All Souls parties, here's your chance! Our food theme is tapas and wine tasting, with live music by Ron Dunbar. There might even be some of last year's All Souls Ale! Kids are welcome, and so are friends! Just RSVP if you're coming, so we know how much food to prepare.

No matter how cold it gets outside, it'll be a warm and toasty evening in our home! We hope you'll come celebrate the Christmas season with us!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Whose Son Is He (Part 2)? (John 8:12-30)

We already find ourselves in the third week of advent! We again ask the question from two weeks ago, "whose son is he?" Two weeks ago we discussed the humanity of Jesus; this week we'll focus on his divinity.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

God's Response to Darkness (John 1:1-18)

Let's face it - Christmas can often feel lonely and dark (or at least this season can expose where we're feeling it). In this second week of Advent we look at how God responds to darkness and how we ought to respond to His response

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Whose Son Is He? (Matthew 1:18-25)

It's the first Sunday of Advent (from the Latin meaning "coming") and so we spend a week looking at why Jesus had to be human and what his humanity actually did for us!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Explorers - Jesus 101

Let's face it: most of us have questions about faith and spirituality. Often though, our friends don't really want to talk about these things, and churches seem to look down on people with doubts and struggles.

Explorers is a safe place for unbelievers, and for the unbeliever in all of us. It's a place where you can be honest about what you think, and get honest answers about the Christian faith. It's a place where you can make up your own mind about historic Christianity, by looking at the sources, rather than settling for second hand opinions.

Fundamentally, Explorers is all about working on our spirituality in community. It's a place where you can be yourself - share a meal, talk about your struggles, wrestle with your faith, as friends rather than foes. We meet once a week for about two hours. We share a meal. We laugh together. And we share our thoughts.

This Winter we'll be looking at Jesus 101 (The Gospel of Mark)

In 7 weeks you'll study an entire book of the Bible - the Gospel of Mark. We'll take a firsthand look at the person, work, and claims of Jesus. This group is geared for non-Christians, new-Christians, and people who aren't even sure what it means to be a Christian. You won't be asked to sing, pray, or do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable. You can come as you are; you can say as little or as much as you like.

The goal of these groups is not to convert you. Our job is simply to introduce you to the Jesus of Scripture so you can figure out what you believe for yourself. In the process, you will learn a lot about Jesus, Christianity, and your own spirituality. You'll also have a chance to build friendships with interesting people who are asking the same questions you are.

If this sounds interesting, please contact Christian (529-5568) ASAP so we can figure out who's interested. Hope to hear from you soon!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Resources for Reconciliation (Ephesians 1:3-14)

What are the resources we need to pursue this kind of reconciliation?

Monday, November 7, 2011

What is a Missional Church?

Here at All Souls, we talk a lot about being a "missional church." Ever wonder what we actually mean by that? Perhaps this recent lecture by Tim Keller on What is a Missional Church? will shed some light on things.

Pique your interest? Raise questions? Want to discuss this over coffee, lunch, or a beer? Give us a holler! We'd love to get together...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Reconciliation 101 (Ephesians 1:1-23)

How do we go about this whole reconciliation and shalom thing that we've been talking about? It all comes back to an attitude of gratitude. So how do we cultivate that kind of attitude?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Christians as Subversives

Q: Do American Christians too easily assume their surrounding culture is Christian?

We do. It is useful to listen to people who come into our culture from other cultures, to pay attention to what they hear and what they see. In my experience, they don't see a Christian land. If you listen to a Solzhenitsyn or Bishop Tutu, or university students from Africa or South America, they don't see a Christian land. They see something almost the reverse of a Christian land.

They see a lot of greed and arrogance. And they see a Christian community that has almost none of the virtues of the biblical Christian community, which have to do with a sacrificial life and conspicuous love. Rather, they see indulgence in feelings and emotions, and an avaricious quest for gratification.

Importantly, they see past the facade of our language, the Christian language we throw up in front of all this stuff. The attractive thing about America to outsiders is the materialism, not the spirituality. It's interesting to listen to refugees who have just gotten into the country: what they want are cars and televisions. They're not coming after our gospel, unless they're translating the gospel into a promise of riches and comfort.

Q: Do you preach to your congregation about this?


Q: How do you do that? I'm sure that's not easy.

Well, I'm one of them. I live in the same kind of house they do. I drive the same kind of car they do. I shop in the same stores they do. So I'm like them. We're all in this together.

It's possible for a few people to break out of society and form some kind of colony in order to challenge society as a kind of shock troop. But that's not my calling, and I don't find it credible to use the language of separatism in a congregation where we've all got jobs, where we're trying to find our place as disciples in the society and do what we can there. If I do that, I lose credibility. I'm using one kind of language on Sunday and another on Monday.

So what I have tried to develop first of all, in myself, is the mentality of the subversive. The subversive is someone who takes on the coloration of the culture, as far as everyone else can see. If he loses the coloration he loses his effectiveness. The subversive works quietly and hiddenly, patiently. He has committed himself to Christ's victory over culture and is willing to do those small things. No subversive ever does anything big. He is always carrying secret messages, planting suspicion that there is something beyond what the culture says is final.

Q: What are some specific acts of Christian subversion?

They're common Christian acts. The acts of sacrificial love, justice, and hope. There's nothing novel in any of this. Our task is that we develop a self-identity as Christians and do these things not incidentally to our lives, but centrally. By encouraging one another, by praying together, by studying Scripture together, we develop a sense that these things are in fact the very center of our lives. And we recognize they are not the center of the world's life, however much cultural talk there is about Christianity.

If we can develop a sense that sacrificial love, justice, and hope are at the core of our identities – they go to our jobs with us each day, to our families each night – then we are in fact subversive. You have to understand that Christian subversion is nothing flashy. Subversives don't win battles. All they do is prepare the ground and change the mood just a little bit toward belief and hope, so that when Christ appears, there are people waiting for him.

- from Eugene Peterson's The Contemplative Pastor, pp 10-12.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The God over Injustice (Genesis 37:12-36)

How is God's purpose for us (to be a blessing) seem relevant when we experience injustice? Is it possible that the injustices done to us actually further his purpose?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The God of Family Dysfunction (Genesis 37:1-11)

If God has such a grand purpose for us (to be agents of blessing and reconciliation), why does it often seem that our biggest source of chaos is our own family? How do we trust God when we have so much family baggage?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The God of Chaos - Part 2 (Genesis 15)

Wouldn't you expect God to just take care of our chaos so that we can get on with his purposes? Instead you see the opposite - chaos only increases (2nd Law of Thermodynamics) as mankind spreads over the earth. We continue to explore our purpose in light of life's chaos

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The God of Chaos (Genesis 1)

What is God's purpose for humanity? How do we make progress with so much chaos in our lives? We go back to the beginning chapter of Scripture in order to find answers to some of these questions.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Purpose of the Church - Part 2 (2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2)

This is part 2 of Paul's words to the Corinthians concerning the Church's purpose. The Church is supposed to be building large buildings and trying to convert everyone, right? Actually, it's supposed to be about something radically different that is only possible if Christ is a real, resurrected person.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Purpose of the Church (2 Cor 4-5)

Isn't the church the very thing that is wrong with religion? Isn't the church what makes Christianity so irrelevant to most of us today? What's the purpose of the church anyway?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Purpose of Christ (Ephesians 2:10-22)

Last week we began our series on purpose by looking at God's purpose. We concluded that God's purpose is to bless the nations! How does he do it? By spending his children. This week we explore the purpose of Christ as the ultimate Son who was spent.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Music at All Souls

Hey folks - if you like the music at All Souls Missoula (or are curious what it sounds like), this is for you! As many of you know, we're recording an album of original All Souls worship music.
  1. You can learn all about it by visiting Christian and The Sinners site on - there's a video explaining the project, and you can pre-order copies of the CD.

  2. Or you can follow along on facebook - this is the best place to see pictures, watch video, and get progress reports! So check it out and tell us what you think! Enjoy!

Is God Enough? (Deuteronomy 31:14-29)

Just days before his death, Moses is confronted with the failure of everything his life was about. As you reflect back on your life, is God enough for you if everything else fails?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Object of Praise (John 4:4-29)

Jesus and the woman at the well. It's one of the most important passages in the Bible. And it illustrates why Christians are so fixed on Jesus - when we really see how he deals with broken people (and us!), it will melt our hearts and cause them to overflow in praise...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Importance of Praise (Psalm 147:1-12)

Feeling the weight of darkness, brokenness? Christianity makes the astounding claim that one of the most important things we can do in our plight is NOT to try and fix the situation (or ourselves!), but rather to begin praising God. This passage helps us understand why...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What's Your House Built Upon? (Matthew 7:24-29)

Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount by challenging what we build our lives upon and he tells us that if we are wise, we'll build our lives upon "the rock" instead of the sand. What's the rock he's talking about?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Take it Easy (Matthew 7:13-23)

When it comes to our spirituality do we seem to expect it to be easy? In this passage Jesus tells us that the way that leads to life is hard. Which way are you on? The hard way that leads to life? Or the easy way that leads to destruction?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

To Judge OR Not To Judge (Matthew 7:1-14)

We all love these words of Jesus, "do not judge, lest you be judged." But we rarely examine what Jesus says next - that there are some people we actually ought to judge. Jesus himself judged people. So how do we know who we ought to judge?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Are We Robbing God? (Malachi 3:6-12)

Ryan and Christian were both gone this past week so we asked our good friend and pastor, Alfred Poirier, from our sister church, Rocky Mountain Community (in Billings), to come and preach. Alfred shared a difficult passage dealing with money from the OT prophet, Malachi.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Spirituality & Anxiety (Matthew 6:19-34)

Anxiety is a crippling problem for millions of people. But Jesus seems to indicate that this has always been the case. Does your spirituality make a difference in your anxiety? Jesus says that if it is real, it should.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Where Does Spirituality Begin? (John 3:1-18)

Stop for a moment and consider this question: "what's wrong with the world?" Jesus says that the thing that will utterly transform the brokenness of this world is spiritual rebirth. What does he mean by this term and why does he say we need it? Why is rebirth shocking? And how do we get it?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18)

Appearances can be deceiving. Someone can have all the appearances of godliness, but have nothing real going on inside. Jesus undresses the audience we perform our righteousness for.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Christian & The Sinners

Christian & The Sinners is a curious little band that's been making great music for nearly three years. Now they want to share it with you!

Join us for three millenia of sacred Americana, live at the Top Hat this Friday, June 17th from 6-8 PM. Grab a beer, kick back with friends, and take in some of the most interesting music you've never heard before.

Featuring some of Missoula's finest local talent - Grace Decker (fiddle), Bethany Joyce (cello), Tyler Knapp (string bass) - with rising stars Rebekah Cryder (viola), Chris Caldwell (drums), and Marilyn Cryder (horn). And then there's Christian, the biggest sinner of them all (guitar / vocals).

The first half of the show covers some 2500 years of Judeo-Christian "spirituals" (ranging from King David to Gillian Welch). The second half of the show is all original material (our contribution to the genre).

All told, it should be an unforgettable evening! Especially if you join us! So save the date, invite your friends, help us spread the word! See you there!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Who Would Jesus Bomb? (Matthew 5:38-48)

One of Jesus' hardest sayings is "turn the other cheek." Is Jesus just advocating that his followers become a punching bag to would-be assailants? Or does he mean something more by it? How does Jesus want his followers to act towards enemies?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Radical Mercy in the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 10:6-22, 11:23-32)

There's one place in the New Testament where we see a really scary warning (1 Corinthians 11:27). Suprisingly the warning centers on how we approach God through the Lord's Supper. What does it mean to take communion in an "unworthy manner"? How does the Lord's Supper connect to radical mercy?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mercy for the City (Jeremiah 29:4-14)

At All Souls we believe that God loves cities and he calls his people to live sacrificially for them. The problem is that many of his feel broken and burned out - like we have nothing left to give - we feel much like the Jewish exiles that Jeremiah is writing to. Where do we find hope for the city in the midst of our exile?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Cost of Mercy (Isaiah 58)

How does mercy connect to worship? Our long-time friend, Jeff, shares how mercy is the mark of true Christianity. Jeff and his family are artists living in North Africa.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Ordinary-ness of Radical Mercy (Hebrews 13:1-16)

What does "radical mercy" look like? It's a lot more ordinary than you might at first think.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why Mercy Matters for Spiritual Growth (2 Cor 9:6-15)

Here at All Souls, we talk a lot about mercy. Heck, that's why we have been working to get a non-profit, Imagine Missoula, up and running to meet mercy needs. But how does mercy connect to our spirituality? We contend that it is a vital component of a truly gospel-centered spirituality.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Generosity as the Overflow of Grace (2 Cor 8:1-15)

Most of us think we're pretty generous...and we'd be even more generous if God would just bless us with more. But this passage challenges us to be more generous where we are right now. Paul calls us to give out of our poverty instead of our abundance. So how do we do it?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Garden City Brewfest

The Missoula Downtown Association has asked us to provide a clean-up crew for this event (May 7 at Caras Park). We need 10-15 volunteers who can help out from about 8-9:30 PM. We'll be breaking down tables, cleaning up trash, rinsing buckets, etc.

You'll get free admission, a comemorative glass, 2 beer tokens, and a T-shirt! Plus it is a lot of fun. If you'd like to volunteer, contact Ryan (529-2468) by next Wednesday (May 4) or reply to the Facebook Event.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Doubts About the Resurrection (Easter)

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is quite possibly the hardest claim of Christianity. However, it is also quite possibly the most important. So what do you do if you have doubts?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

WWJJ: Who Would Jesus Judge?

Most of us tend to think Jesus wouldn't judge anyone. After all, he's the one who said, "judge not, lest you be judged." What he did when he "triumphantly" rode into Jerusalem the week of his death might surprise us then.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Clark Fork River Cleanup! (2011)

Clark Fork Cleanup - 2010
Hey friends - it's that time of the year again, when we all get together to help the great folks at Clark Fork Coalition cleanup the river! And this year, we're actually doing it as Imagine Missoula! Woo hoo!

Last year we had over 30 volunteers and we cleaned up a BIG chunk of the river just east of the California Street Walking Bridge. This year, it looks like we'll have the same section. And hopefully, there will be even more of us! The cleanup takes about 3 hours, and it's a great way to get together with friends and family to help make our community a better place. Plus there's a BBQ in Caras Park afterward! :-)
  • DETAILS: Meet at Caras Park under the big tent @ 9:45 AM this Saturday, April 16 to find the team and register (Jess Folmar is the point person, and we could use a couple of other folks to help her)
  • RSVP: on facebook or by email (
  • KIDS: Yes! This is a GREAT event to bring your kids to! They'll have a blast and learn to value our environment at the same time!
That's pretty much it! You can help us by spreading the word and joining us on Saturday! Hope to see you all there! (ps - you can click here to view the photos from last year's cleanup...)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spirituality and Divorce (Matthew 5:31-32)

One of the hardest things for us today is what Jesus tells us about divorce...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The End of Prayer: Praise (Psalm 150)

We wrap up our series on prayer by examining what all prayer is meant to drive us towards: PRAISE! Does that word describe your prayers?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Pray the Psalms (Ps. 64)

The Psalter was the original Prayer Book for the people of God. But few of us know how to use them in our praying. This sermon will help you utilize the Psalms in your prayers.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What is Lent?

Today is the beginning of the season of Lent. It isn't just for Catholics, and it's not all about giving stuff up. So what is it, then?

For a lot of Christians, even those in liturgical traditions, Lent can be something of a mystery – we tend to think it's all about sin and guilt, wearing ashes on our foreheads, or eating fish on Fridays. Many find they are strangely attracted to Lent, but know little about the season. Here at All Souls, we think it's worth exploring.

For 40 days leading up to Easter (not counting Sundays), the church has traditionally celebrated the season of Lent, with a focus on repentance, prayer, and our dependence on the grace of God. “Celebrating” may seem like a strange word to use in this context, but it's a way of centering our minds and preparing our hearts as we contemplate the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The word Lent comes from the ancient Germanic word for “springtime,” and is often seen as a time for “spiritual spring cleaning”: a time for taking inventory and cleaning out things which may get in the way of our relationship with Jesus.

Why 40 days? To remind us of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, being tempted by the devil, fasting, praying, and preparing for his ministry here on earth. Jesus' life was full of simplicity and sacrifice; these are ideals we strive for all our lives, but focus on during Lent, just as we celebrate Christ's resurrection every Sunday but focus on it at Easter. (This is why Sundays are typically not numbered in the 40 days of Lent – they are set aside as feast days, for celebrating the risen Jesus!)

Many Christians choose to voluntarily “give something up” for Lent, like a habit or a favorite food, or to add something to their daily routine, like morning devotions or volunteering in the community. No, this practice is not laid out in the Bible, nor is it necessary in order for you to “get something out” of Lent. It's just a way of reinforcing the significance of the season, and keeping our eyes on Jesus.

The way to Easter is the way of the cross. Celebrating the season of Lent serves to remind us of the words of Jesus in Mathew 16:24: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” 

Here at All Souls, we see Lent as a great way for us to focus on Christ and identify with Christians around the world and throughout the ages. In the words of Thomas Howard, “To move through the disciplines in company with millions and millions of other believers all over the world is a profoundly instructive thing.” 

So there you have it. Lent has officially begun. It's a great time to slow down, to consider what our relationship with God looks like, and to reflect on how we can love and serve him better in our everyday lives. We invite you to join us in observing Lent this year!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forgiveness as Fuel for Prayer (Lk 7:36-50)

Are you someone who can't seem to forgive other? Who struggles to forgive yourself? Find out why forgiveness is so hard, why it's so vital, and how to become a great forgiver.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ash Wesnesday Service

Want to experience a Christian tradition that is more than a thousand years old? Join us for a short, contemplative Ash Wednesday Service this Wednesday morning at 7 AM @ the Downtown Dance Collective (121 W Main). This is a great way to begin exploring the season of Lent. We will be done by 7:40 AM. Contact Christian (529-5568) or Ryan (529-2468) if you have questions.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Party for St. Patrick

Admit it: there's times you wish you were Irish. But alas you're not (and hey, you probably wouldn't like tripe anyway). So cheer up and make the best of it - come join us for our third year running as we hoist a pint in honor of St. Patrick and make fish and chips together.

This year we're doing something special - we're celebrating the success of All Souls Ale and Imagine Missoula, and what better place to do that than at Big Sky Brewing Taproom! Join us in the bowels of the brewery - there will be live music, great food and drink, and plenty of interesting friends (assuming you show up, of course).

Here's the skinny:
WHEN: Friday, March 18, from 6-10 PM
WHERE: @ the Big Sky Brewing Taproom out by the airport (directions)
WHAT TO BRING: a healthy appetite, a hearty thirst!
Kids are welcome, and so are friends! Please RSVP if you're coming (so we know how much food to prepare). And help us spread the word!

See you soon!
Christian and Ryan

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We Need Your Help!

Hey friends. As Ryan and I have sat down and worked on the schedule for the next couple of weeks... yowza. We need some help...
  1. A Party for St. Patrick - Our famous fish and chips fry. Big Sky Brewery has offered to host it (in the actually brewery, woo hoo) - but we're going to need some serious help w/ setup, w/ food prep, w/ cooking, w/ cleanup. If you're available Friday, March 18 and would like to help, could you please email Ryan so we can start building a list.

  2. Ash Wednesday - We'll be offering our yearly Ash Wednesday service next Wed from 7 - 7:30 AM at the Downtown Dance Collective. Small, intimate, reflective... it's a great way to mark the beginning of Lent. We could really use 2-3 people to hang fliers downtown / on campus by this Saturday - contact Christian (529-5568) ASAP.

  3. Woman w/ car trouble - we're trying to help a woman on disability get her car fixed. She has an estimate from a shop. I need someone who can meet w/ her, validate the need (eg. look at the estimate), and contact the shop to figure out how to get them the check from All Souls for repairs. Probably won't take more than an hour total - contact Christian (529-5568).

  4. Weekly updates - Amy's lack of internet connectivity is making it difficult for her to send out the weekly updates; she's looking for someone else to take over this task for a while. Takes about half an hour every week. It's not difficult, but it does take some decent writing ability and attention to detail. Want to help us out in this way - contact Amy / Shanequa (546-3158).

  5. Morning Prayers - we'll be starting up again during Lent! I'd like to find 2 additional houses to host these small, intimate prayers times (we'd like to offer them at 4 different locations this time, each on a different morning). Want to host - contact Christian (529-5568).

  6. Meals for Moms - Nina could really use some more help lining up meals for a brand new single mom - "We need more meals folks and she agreed, if we can, to let us get a bed (for her) and sheets, and a diaper pail, and some light bulbs. We also need folks who can run errands for her once in a while." Want to help out - contact Nina (546-4697).
Every single one of these things is a tangible way to love our city. If everyone pitches in it'll be a piece of cake. If not, it's going to be hard. Would you consider helping?

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

Every great religious teacher has taught his disciples about prayer. When Jesus' disciples asked him how to engage this paramount practice, he gave them "the Lord's Prayer," (Our Father, who art in heaven...). "REALLY! That's what we should pray?" How do we actually pray through this and what is Jesus trying to communicate in this prayer?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Spring Groups

Hey folks, we've finally nailed down our schedule! Have a look at what's on the menu for groups this spring...
  • Explorers: The TWO Jesus' of the Bible - [details] a group geared especially for non-Christians (or spiritual 'newbies'). It's a chance to ask questions and to learn how the New Testament Jesus claims to "fulfill" everything we see about God in the Old Testament. Sundays @ 1 PM at Christian and Marilyn's (2307 River Road), beginning this Sunday, Feb 27. Contact Christian (529-5568) for details.

  • Explorers: Public Faith - a group for anyone (Christian or otherwise) who is interested in exploring how Christianity offers a unique vision for distinctive living in our worship, workplace, and community. This group is all about how we become an alternate city within the city. We're so excited about it, we're offering it on two nights. Contact Christian (529-5568) or Ryan (529-2468) for details.
    • Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM at the Sutherland's (1601 W Kent), begins March 22.
    • Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM at the Cryder's (2307 River Road), begins March 23.

  • The Story of God - a community group for people to engage the Bible's story as it is told chronologically. Thursdays @ 6:00 PM at Nick and Layci's (1928 McDonald), beginning March 10. Contact Bob (241-8067) or Layci (214-5428).

  • Counterfeit Gods - a book discussion of Tim Keller's book by the same name. Tuesdays @ 6:00 PM at the Sutherland's (1601 W Kent). Contact Ryan (529-2468) or Rachel (529-2467) if you'd like to attend. (The book is available on the book table or you can grab one at the group).

  • Pastor's Lunch - an informal gathering for leaders (or anyone who is curious about leadership) to learn about how the Bible speaks to shepherding and leading God's people. Sundays @ 1 PM at Ryan and Rachel's (1601 W Kent), beginning March 20. Contact Ryan (529-2468) for details.
If you're interested in one of these groups, please let us know as soon as possible!

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    Take Up Your Bed and Walk (John 5:1-18)

    Our friend and mentor, Shane Sunn, joins us from our sister church in Greeley, CO (Saint Patrick Presbyterian) and shares how all of us are a lot more paralyzed spiritually than we think we are. And the biggest paralytics of all - religious people.

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    the Spirituality of Sexuality (Matthew 5:17-20, 27-30)

    Jesus takes a pretty hard stance when it comes to our sexuality. He says it’s not just about what you do with your body, but about what you think about when you look at someone else’s body. His solution? Gouge out your eye and throw it away. Cut off your hand and throw it away. Is Jesus being literal? How are we to respond to such a violent teaching that would essentially leave pretty much all of us maimed and blind? And how does our sexuality connect to our spirituality?

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Our Friend Amy

    Ever wonder what God's up to at All Souls? Sometimes, the best way to figure that out is to hear what he's doing in the lives of individuals. So this week, we decided to let our friend Amy share a little bit of her story...

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Explorers - The Two Jesus' in the Bible

    Let's face it: most of us have questions about faith and spirituality. Often though, our friends don't really want to talk about these things, and churches seem to look down on people with doubts and struggles.

    Explorers is a safe place for unbelievers, and for the unbeliever in all of us. It's a place where you can be honest about what you think, and get honest answers about the Christian faith. It's a place where you can make up your own mind about historic Christianity, by looking at the sources, rather than settling for second hand opinions.

    Fundamentally, Explorers is all about working on our spirituality in community. It's a place where you can be yourself - share a meal, talk about your struggles, wrestle with your faith, as friends rather than foes. We meet once a week for about two hours. We share a meal. We laugh together. And we share our thoughts.

    This Spring we'll be looking at The TWO Jesus' in the Bible

    (Wait a second, you ask, "There's two guys named Jesus in the Bible?!?" Yep, there sure are! One's in the Old Testament, a fellow by the name of Joshua, who God called to pillage and plunder his way into the promised land. And then there's the New Testament Jesus whom we've all heard of. But in the original Hebrew, they share the same name, and we're going to look at both of them...)
    • This is going to be a long term explorers group - we'll meet on Sundays @ 1 PM at the Cryder place (2307 River Road - look for the mailbox, turn down the alley).
    • We'll work through the first 11 chapters of the Old Testament book called Joshua. Then we'll work our way through the life and teachings of Jesus in the New Testament Gospel According to Luke.
    • Together, we'll also get a firsthand glimpse into the wild and crazy world of the Old Testament, -AND- the ministry and teachings of the biblical Jesus.
    • There won't be any homework - we'll share a meal together, read a chapter of Scripture, and answer any questions you might have (and boy, the stuff we'll be reading ought to generate LOTS of questions).
    • You can come as you are; you can say as little or as much as you like. You won't be asked to sing, or pray, or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. 
    • You can start (or stop!) coming at any time. No one's going to nag you, stalk you, or ask you for money. Seriously!
    The goal of these groups is not to convert you. Our job is simply to introduce you to the Jesus of Scripture so you can figure out what you believe for yourself. In the process, you will learn a lot about Jesus, Christianity, and your own spirituality. You'll also have a chance to build friendships with interesting people who are asking the same questions you are.

    If this sounds interesting, please contact Christian (529-5568) for details. Or check out the Explorers FAQ! Or ask us about talking to real live folks who have gone through this group - we have numerous alumni who would be happy to tell you what it's like!

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    The Generous Character of the Kingdom (Luke 14:7-24)

    How does Jesus define generosity? The answer might surprise you! Join us as we look at 3 things that are fatal to real generosity - and what to do about them...

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    How Anger Undermines Spirituality (Matt 5:17-24)

    How do you define anger? And how do you deal with it? Is your temper explosive? Or are you a "silent assassin"? Jesus challenges us this morning by calling our anger murder. In this sermon, Ryan, discusses how our anger and spirituality are connected.

    Sunday, January 16, 2011

    The Spirituality of Peacemaking (Matt 5:1-12)

    One of Jesus' most famous statements is "blessed are the peacemakers." What exactly does he mean by it and how do we live up to it?

    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    The Trouble with Prayer (Acts 4:23-31)

    As we jump into 2011, we also jump back into the sermon series that we began in the fall. We have been asking the question “how do I draw near to God?” This week we continue to examine one of the four pillars of Christian spirituality: prayer.