
Friday, December 20, 2013

Midnight Christmas Eve

"The Newborn" - Georges de la Tour (1593-1652)

This Christmas Eve, we'll be hosting our annual Midnight Service at 11:30 PM on the 3rd Floor of the Missoula Children's Theatre (200 North Adams). It's a small, intimate gathering to celebrate the coming of Christ through music, Scripture, and friendship. Our friends tell us this is one of the most beautiful things All Souls does.

There will be an informal reception beforehand at 9 PM at Alyson Visgauss' [631-942-7672 | 355 Kensington] (think drinks, snacks, goodies and a chance to wish one another a Merry Christmas).

This is a great way to do something meaningful for Christmas and explore the Christian faith, regardless of your spiritual convictions (or lack thereof). Come participate in a tradition that is at least 1500 years old. Your kids will love it, and so will you. We'd love to have you join us!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Two Men With Money (Luke 18:18-27, 19:1-10)

This week's Advent theme is joy - one of those elusive Christian attributes that we feel powerless to obtain or hang onto. How do we receive joy? In our stories today we meet two men with money who have radically different responses to their encounter with Jesus. Only one finds true joy and his joy leads him to generosity! [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Go In Peace (Luke 7:36-50)

The theme of this second week of Advent is peace. In our story this morning, a prostitute from the city boldly enters the house of Simon the Pharisee where Jesus is eating and washes Jesus' feet with her tears and hair. What is going on here? The story ends with Jesus telling her to "go in peace." But what does he mean by it? How do we experience it? [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Where Is Your Hope? (John 4:1-26)

We're entering the season of Advent (latin for coming) - the time of year when the church has historically focused on the coming of God in the person of Jesus Christ. There are four Sundays leading up to Christmas that each have a different theme (hope, peace, joy, love).

 This week we focus on the theme of hope by looking at Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman of ill-repute. Are you looking for hope this holiday season? You might just find it in the same place as this woman! [Ryan Sutherland]