Every year, it seems Christmas becomes more and more commercialized, less and less meaningful. And far too often, our response is simply to try and cram more 'holiday season' into our already packed schedules - more parties, more decorations, more presents (they always seem to cost more too), more stuff that needs to get done before we can actually sit down with family and friends. Then suddenly, before you know it - *poof!* - another Christmas come and gone. Too often, the only thing that remains is a feeling that we'd like to do it differently next year.
What would it look like to actually inhabit Christmas - not the cheesy Hallmark version that gets peddled to us every October through December, but the real Christmas, the ancient version, that one that goes all the way back to events so significant it actually moved people, reordered their entire year, their lives?
Would would it be like to experience that kind of Christmas - be it ever so briefly - the kind where God reaches down from the heavens and touches humanity? I'm not sure how we get there. But I know I'd like to try. And I suspect that it's only going to happen in a community of friends who share that same desire, rather than off on my own.
So here's the deal. We'd like to invite you to join us for an informal Christmas Eve service from 7-8 PM on Mon, Dec 24 @ the Cryder's. Anyone is welcome, even if you've never been to anything before, even if you're not sure whether you believe in Jesus or not. A time to sing, to listen, to contemplate, to make the Christmas story our own, all with friends.
If you don't have any plans for Christmas Eve, we'd love to have you join us. Contact Christian (529-5568) if you have questions or need directions.