Hey, it's that time of year again: the weather's changing, the flowers are blooming, and we're throwing another party for friends! It's our
Spring Fling Party, and now that we have a new name -
All Souls Missoula - we actually have a great reason to celebrate. We'd love to have you come join us!
If you like great Mexican food and killer margaritas, you definitely won't want to miss this event. Friends, family, and kids are all welcome. If you haven't been to one of our parties yet, why not join us for this one! Here's the skinny...
- WHEN: this Friday, May 16 @ 7 PM
- WHERE: the Cryder's place (2307 River Road)
- WHO'S INVITED: you are! (along with anyone you'd like to bring)
RSVP if you'd like to come so we know how much food to prepare. Contact
Christian (529-5568) or
Ryan (529-2468) for details.