
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Weekly Events!

​​Here's what's happening this week at All Souls Missoula...

Ways to Connect – Special Events/Announcements and things to take note of...

  • SABBATH WEEK! No small groups this week, except as follows:
  • All Souls 101 – A group to explore, discover, and learn more about what makes All Souls tick. Sundays @ 12:30 PM at the Sutherlands' house  [2704 Emery Place]. We'll have a potluck lunch, so please bring food/beverage to share. If you didn't make it last week, you can still get in on this group! Email Ryan for reading assignment. 
  • A Year with C.S. Lewis – A group focused on reading through the works of C.S. Lewis. Meets this Friday @ 6:30 PM at the Barnetts' house [4840 Monticello Pl]Leaders: Jesse (396-8969) and Tami (396-8533). We're reading through A Grief Observed.
  • Fenesa Dilworth Art Show -- this Friday @ 5-8 PM at Montana Legal Justice, 415 N. Higgins, Suite 2. Help support their new walk-in clinic, giving legal counsel & representation for low income.
Loving the City – Ways to get involved and serve in and around Missoula...
  • Imagine Missoula – A grassroots non-profit that All Souls helped start to meet real needs within the city. We're always looking for volunteers to do things for those whose community is thin (single moms, elderly, etc.). Contact Nina (546-4697) to get involved this week.​
Exploring All Souls – Weekly things we do where you can get to know us better...
Sunday Worship – Sundays @ 10 AM in the MCT [map] Community Room (3rd Floor - Please use entrance on Broadway and Adams). Whether you're a follower of Christ or someone who is skeptical, this is a great chance to experience Christian worship and wrestle with the claims of Jesus. Kid friendly, biblical, with a casual yet reverent atmosphere. This Fall we're going through the book of Mark to explore who Jesus really is. Come read Mark with us and figure out what you think about the Jesus of the Bible firsthand!
Social Gatherings – Intentional, yet less formal than small groups. Social gatherings don't necessarily have spiritual content, but provide an opportunity for deeper relationships and connection.
  • Women's Coffee Hour - Gather with other women for a time of sharing, prayer, and relationship-building! Contacts: Naomi (552-5883) and Elaine (600-9609).
    Wednesdays @ 7 AM at Le Petit Outre [129 S. 4th St. W.].
  • Men's Coffee Hour - Finish off your week with some great coffee and conversation with men! Contact: Travis (505-228-6810).
    Fridays @ 6 AM - 8 AM in Beau's Garage [1219 Howell St. - in the alley].
Have questions about All Souls? Need counseling or just want to process life over coffee, lunch or a beer? Contact Ryan [pastor] (529-2468), Joe [elder] (396-6372), Ric [elder] (250-9900)or Jill [Administrator] (490-5216).
See you soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

How The King Saves (Mark 5:21-43)

Are you frustrated that God doesn't seem to be listening or responding to your requests very quickly? Check out the latest sermon from All Souls that deals with how the King Saves. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Marriage: Adam, Where Are You? (Ephesians 5:15-33)

Check out this sermon by elder, Ric Hauer, about the importance of male leadership in families. [Ric Hauer]

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Queen Mother of All Sins (Mark 3:22-30)

Jesus says that there's a sin that once committed can never be forgiven. What is this sin and how do we steer clear? [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The King's Healing (Mark 1:45-2:12)

Once again King Jesus challenges us by pointing out that no matter what we're facing in life, our biggest need is forgiveness from sin. This is our third sermon in our series on the book of Mark: "Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?" [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The King's Authority (Mark 1:14-28)

When it comes down to it, Jesus speaks with authority - something we find difficult in our culture. But his authority and his ability to meet our deepest needs goes hand-in-hand. The real Jesus is an authoritative king. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Wilderness King (Mark 1:1-13)

The first of the fall sermon series on the book of Mark. Mark begins his story about Jesus in the wilderness, because the wilderness is where the story of Jesus begins in us..[Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Importance of Covenant Renewal (Matthew 22:34-40)

This week we wrap up our summer series on Covenantal Living by looking at Jesus' summary of the entire Bible in order to answer the question, "how do we deal with failure in our covenant relationships?" [Ryan Sutherland]

Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekly Groups

In case you haven't noticed, we've had a lot of new faces lately. Welcome! One of the ways we really experience community is by engaging it more deeply. Here are some opportunities to dive in a little deeper:
  1. Summer Sunday Lunches - each Sunday @ 12:30 PM (or as soon as you can get there after worship), someone will be hosting an informal "potluck" at their house. Just grab something to share (whether main, bread, side, salad or drinks) and rendezvous at their place for a leisurely meal where you can get to know other folks at All Souls!

  2. Westside Group - Tuesdays @ 6 PM at Beau & Esther McBryde's (1219 Howell St |
    531-9089). Bring a bible and some food to share. We're reading the Bible together to draw out the implications of community.

  3. "When Helping Hurts" - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM at Chad & Fenesa Dilworth's
    (2124 Burlington Ave). A book group focused on learning how to help others without enabling and thinking Biblically about extending mercy. ​Leaders: Joe (396-6372) & Nancy (552-7693) Kesler.

  4. Divine Design - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM at Ryan & Rachel Sutherland's (2704 Emery Place). A summer group focused on learning how you've been uniquely wired to participate in God's Kingdom. Leader: summer intern, Nate Xanders (850-321-0822).

  5. A Year with C.S. Lewis - various Fridays @ 6:30 PM (usually) at Jesse & Tami Barnett's (4840 Monticello Place | Jesse: 396-8969). A reading and discussion group on some of the best as well as more obscure works from this great thinker and writer.
Every single one of these groups is open to all, regardless of where you're at spiritually. Most require zero preparation or homework – just show up with an open mind and a desire to learn.

All of these groups involve eating together (we think something good happens over food and drink). And each one will give you an opportunity to explore your spirituality – by getting to know others, and by getting to know yourself. Want to know more? Contact the people listed above!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Worship This Sunday

Just a heads up that MCT has a major event this Sunday that will require use of their whole parking lot and lobby. Please do not park in the main lot and do not walk through the lobby. Thanks!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Covenant Grass Is Always Greener (1 Cor 7)

We continue our series on covenant relationships by discussing one of the most difficult passages in the whole New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul has some very difficult words about singleness and marriage. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Importance of Covenant Relationships (Deuteronomy 29:10-15 & Matthew 5:33-35)

This week we turn the corner from discussing the Biblical Covenants TO why they matter for our lives. We ask the question, "what's the point?" Over the next 5 sermons we'll be answering this question as we look at marriage, parenting, and friendship.

We kick things off this week with the difference between covenant relationships and consumer relationships. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The New Covenant (Galatians 3:15-18)

If the Biblical Covenants are like the layers of a cake, then Jesus & the New Covenant are like the knife and fork that give you access to all of this cake's yummy blessings! [Nate Xanders]

Sunday, July 20, 2014

God's Covenant with David (2 Samuel 7:1-17)

God's covenant with David contained numerous promises. How do we make sense of the Davidic covenant in light of Jesus? This is the fifth sermon in this series. [Nate Xanders]

Sunday, July 13, 2014

God's Covenant with Moses (Deuteronomy 5:1-21)

The most well-known covenant in Scripture is the fourth of our series - it's the covenant God made with Moses and Israel at Mount Sinai where he gave them the Ten Commandments. [Nate Xanders]

Sunday, July 6, 2014

God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12-17)

We continue our summer series on the biblical covenants with the third covenant (made with Abraham) as God addresses the issue of human identity. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, June 29, 2014

God's Covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:1-17)

This week we look at the biblical covenant with Noah. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, we were unable to get an audio recording. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, June 22, 2014

God's Covenant with Adam (1 Corinthians 15:21-26)

Summer Pastoral Intern, Nate Xanders, kicks off our summer series: the Biblical Covenants, by looking at how God addresses the universal human problem of death through God's covenant with Adam. [Nate Xanders]

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Kingdom of Darkness (Matthew 27:45-56)

Pastor and friend from Billings, Byron Longenecker, fills in for Ryan and shares with us the dark side of God's Kingdom. [Byron Longenecker]

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sunday Worship Moved!

This week only! We'll be at the Missoula Senior Center (705 S. Higgins Ave) on the Hip Strip 10 AM

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Discipline of the Lord (Hebrews 12:3-11)

One of the most difficult things in our culture today is the issue of discipline. We always see it as punitive and so we struggle to receive it as much as we struggle to practice it. And yet, the Scriptures (while not necessarily promoting a certain method of discipline) are unashamedly "pro-discipline." It's one of the primary ways God teaches us to "live by faith." [Ryan Sutherland]

 Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, this sermon was not recorded. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Whole Truth About Faith (Hebrews 11:32-12:2)

Christian's have often been notorious for only "offering" the positives of faith to potential converts. However, in this passage, we see the whole truth about Christian faith - there are successes as well as defeats in store for those who walk by faith. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Faith in Action (Hebrews 11:23-29)

"Faith without works is dead" writes the Apostle James in his letter. Faith, according to the Bible is always accompanied by action. Hebrews uses Moses as the quintessential example of faith in action. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Faith and the Future (Hebrews 11:7-18)

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for..." that's how Hebrews 11 begins - indicating there's a future element to this whole faith thing. What's that all about and how does our view of the future effect how we live in the present? [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, April 27, 2014

What Is Faith? (Hebrews 11:1-6)

We resume our series on Hebrews: the Supremacy of Christ by picking up in chapter 11. Chapter 11 is what the whole book has been building towards. This morning we look at the first 6 verses of the chapter and wrestle with this Christian buzzword: faith. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mary and the Empty Tomb (John 20:1-18)

When it comes to thinking about the empty tomb of Jesus Christ, we have a hard time believing it - we are full of doubts about the miraculous. Well it may surprise us to know that so were many of the original disciples, including Mary Magdalene. Her reaction to the empty tomb just might surprise us. [Ryan Sutherland]

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Sunday

Mosaic of the Resurrected Christ, in Ravenna, Italy (526 AD).

Join us this Easter Sunday (April 20th) as we explore one of the most significant claims in Christianity - Christ's Resurrection! For nearly two millennia, followers of Jesus from all over globe have radically reoriented their lives around this particular Sunday. What's the big deal? Come see for yourself.

We meet on Sunday at 10 AM in the Missoula Children's Theatre Lobby (200 N. Adams). There's coffee and hot cross buns beforehand at 9:30 AM. The service itself will last about an hour and a half. Together, we'll read, sing pray, and ponder. There's a nursery space and children's worship for kids 5 and under.

Whether you are a longtime follower of Jesus, or simply someone who's spiritually curious, we'd love to have you explore faith with us!

We'll have an Easter Egg Hunt for children and a Potluck Lunch at Ryan & Rachel's (2704 Emery Place ~ 529-2468). after the service! We hope you will join us!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Good Friday Service

If Good Friday is the day when Christians remember Jesus' brutal death on a Roman cross, how could it possibly be considered "good"? And why on earth would we celebrate it? Great questions! Why not explore them together with us?

We invite you to join us for a dark-yet-beautiful glimpse into one of the oldest of Christian traditions Friday, April 18th at 7:30 PM as we gather to celebrate a very special Good Friday service in the lobby of the Missoula Children's Theatre (200 N Adams).

The service will be somber and reflective, yet deeply optimistic and hopeful. Regardless of your spiritual convictions (or lack thereof), this is a great chance to work on your own spirituality by considering the claims of Christianity in regard to this seminal moment in human history. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jesus and the Den of Robbers (Matthew 21:1-22)

Jesus' triumphal entry has a hue shadow cast upon it by two other events that happen immediately after - the cleansing of the Temple and the cursing of the fig tree. What do these three things have in common and why does Jesus enact these two curses at this climactic moment? [Ryan Sutherland]

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, this sermon was not recorded. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Confidence for Your Calling (Hebrews 10:19-39)

This week we get to hear from the Rev. Jason Barrie from our sister church, Rocky Mountain Community, in Billings. Jason continues our series in Hebrews. [Jason Barrie]

Sunday, March 30, 2014

No More Offerings (Hebrews 10:1-18)

The ministry of Jesus Christ has freed us from the need to make offerings like the people did in the Old Testament (in order to make purification for sin); while simultaneously freeing us to be able to make offerings out of gratitude and love. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Perfection of Worship (Hebrews 9:1-14)

The first 8 chapters of Hebrews focused on what the author wants us to believe about the new covenant that has been inaugerated through Christ. Here in chapter 9, the author shifts his focus from what we're supposed to believe to how we ought to live. What does it look like to live in light of this new covenant. And he begins with the issue of worship. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Better Covenant (Hebrews 8:1-13)

Our passage this morning contains the longest quotation from the Old Testament within the New Testament - from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 31. In that passage Jeremiah prophesies that God will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel. What is this new covenant and why is it so much better than the old? [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Problem with the Law (Hebrews 7:11-28)

This passage in Hebrews describes a need that we have at the core of humanity - the need for perfection and the inability of the Law to bring it about. How then does God provide for this deep human need? [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Hope of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:19-7:10)

Over the past few chapters the author of Hebrews has been teasing us with a reference to a mysterious Old Testament character named Melchizedek (his name literally means king of righteousness). But who is he? Why is he significant? And why is the author of Hebrews so infatuated with him? That's what we explore this week as we continue to explore the book of Hebrews as an overview to the Old Testament. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Anchor of God's Promise (Hebrews 6:13-20)

We continue our series "The Supremacy of Christ: An Overview of the Old Testamentby seeing how important the promises of God are to overcoming the storms that rage in our lives. The promises of God function as an anchor that keeps us from being lost at sea. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Further Up and Further In (Hebrews 5:11-6:12)

Unfortunately, we had technical difficulties and weren't able to record this sermon. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Jesus: A Greater High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-5:10)

Old Testament worship operated on the principle of the priesthood. In short, the God of the Universe cannot be accessed directly by human beings - we need a priest to function as a bridge between us and God.

The author of Hebrews makes an audacius claim that Jesus has become the greater priest - giving each of us direct access with the Father. In so doing, he makes us all pirests to one another! [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Enter My Rest! (Hebrews 3:1-4:1)

We live in a fast-paced culture, and our lives are busy. Yet the author of Hebrews says that one of the marks of the new humanity in Chirst is rest. Sin keeps us from rest because sin is deceitful and causes us to focus on our outward behavior (an exhausting, frustrating endeavor) rather than the sin behind our sins - unbelief. That's where Jesus meets us and helps us find a deeper sense of rest. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lower Than the Angels (Hebrews 2:5-18)

In this sermon we see that God has a special place for humanity in his Kingdom - we were always meant to be rulers! That means that we are destined for greatness that exceeds the angels.

But as we all know, that is not the way the world currently is. So how do we get there? The answer is that through Jesus God is restoring mankind to our original purpose and calling. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Supremacy Over Angels (Heb 1:1-2:3)

We continue our study of the book of Hebrews by seeing how Jesus is God's superior Word over the angels. He is superior in his beginning by being begotten, not made; in his name as Son; and in his relationship to the Father. [Ryan Sutherland]

Sunday, January 5, 2014

God's Final Word (Hebrews 1:1-4)

We're kicking off the new year by starting a new series on the book of Hebrews titled, The Supremacy of Christ: An Overview of the Old Testament. We'll be spending the next few months studying the book of Hebrews (which is basically a commentary on the Old Testament) to try and better understand the Old Testament.

In this first sermon we examine the importance of understanding the Old Testament if we want to fully appreciate the life, death, and resurrection of Christ for us. [Ryan Sutherland]